Following major repair works, Riga Maternity Hospital inaugurates modern delivery rooms and maternity care facilities

25.01.2019 PDF

The reconstruction of the new delivery rooms and maternity care facilities of the Riga Maternity Hospital, as well as the purchase of innovative technologies were financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the state and the Riga Maternity Hospital.

Santa Markova, the Chair of the Management Board of the Riga Maternity Hospital emphasizes that the arrangement of the new delivery rooms and maternity care facilities will help to implement a modern, patient-centered care concept: “The new premises provide a cozy and comfortable environment with a personalized and privacy-friendly care to the pregnant women and their relatives. We want our customers to really feel that this is a patient- and family-friendly maternity care institution, with the midwife as the principal medical practitioner.”

Vija Bathena-Krastiņa, the Head Midwife of the Riga Maternity Hospital is pleased that another modern, visually appealing and safe place has been created for a woman and her family to welcome a baby. In addition to comfort and coziness in the new delivery rooms, much attention has been paid to the safety of the mother and the child, and equipment for the monitoring and in-depth analysis of the mother’s and the fetus’ vital signs has been purchased using the project funding.

Prof. Dace Rezeberga, the Medical director at the Riga Maternity Hospital points out: “STAN, the new-generation fetus electronic monitoring device with the highest possible digital image resolution, will be useful not only in daily life, when analyzing the data about anomalies in the mother’s or the fetus’ vital signs. The accumulated data will be used in case studies to develop a quality management system and a mentoring program for the future medical practitioners.”

The building works were carried out between May 2018 and December 2018. Within these eight months, five new delivery rooms were developed on the sixth floor of the Maternity Hospital, the maternity care facilities on the fifth floor of the Maternity Hospital were renovated, the evacuation stairs were restored, and the rooms of the newborn intensive care unit were improved.

Dagnija Vilnīte, the Member of the Board of the Riga Maternity Hospital, who was the head of this project, points out that it was a major challenge both due to the specific and technologically complex work (completely new engineering solutions were developed when equipping the premises), and due to the fact that the Hospital continued its operation during the construction works, and, while working, the builders had to try to minimize the inconvenience caused to the patients and the visitors.

Dagnija Vilnīte states: “The project is a very important contribution to the long-term maintenance of the Riga Maternity Hospital’s infrastructure, because the repair works were carried out with a view to the future, so that the premises, with minor additions or renovations, would remain modern over the next ten years as well”.

In total, the project cost: EUR 1,284,990.61

 ERDF funding: EUR 996,987.95

State funding:  EUR 105,563.43

Riga Maternity Hospital funding: EUR 182,439.23


Click here to see photos of the new delivery rooms